Friends of the MetroWest MS Clinic, Inc.
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Winter 2010

Spring 2010

Fall 2009

Spring 2009




Our mission is simple:

We are a non-profit organization dedicated to enabling our patients to remain independent for as long as possible.

Ever wonder where your donated dollar really ends up?
With our charity, every cent of your donation goes directly to patient care! Because we are a “grass-roots" effort, we have little or no "overhead." The charity was founded by and is managed by patients from the clinic who have Multiple Sclerosis. Therefore, with no expenses to speak of, we spend every donated cent for the benefit of our patients.

About the Clinic:
Multiple Sclerosis afflicts both men and women typically between the ages of 20 and 40.
Because of the variety of symptoms experienced by the MS patient, many medical specialists are required to treat the disease. Neurologists, Psychiatrists, Physical therapists, specialized nursing care, modern pain relief via CBD, and peer counseling are just a few of the services represented at our Clinic. The concept of a multi-disciplinary MS Clinic (We call it one-stop shopping for medical care) was born in Framingham, MA and has become a significant resource for MS patients from several states, as well as a model for similar clinics across the country. Read more about the MWMS Clinic and its history.

We ask for your help.
Many of our patients have no medical insurance or it they do have coverage, the insurance does not cover many of the lifestyle necessities of the patient with Multiple Sclerosis. Following are actual quotes from patients who have received help from the Friends of the MWMS Clinic organization…

"Every time I see Karen walking just a bit easier because of her new walker, I think a kind thought of all of you."

"The geriatric chair will make Eric's quality of life so much better. Your help is greatly appreciated."

"It's wonderful to be able to sleep (and I mean sleep all night) in a bed after sleeping in a chair for over two years! How can I ever thank you enough for your generosity?"

Well, you get the idea…We really are "people helping people."
A great way to make a contribution is to make a donation celebrating a special occasion. Perhaps remembering a birthday, anniversary, or honoring a deceased loved one by making a donation would be appropriate. We will send a personalized thank you acknowledgement to both you and to the person in whose honor you made the donation. You will be honoring a special occasion with the greatest gift of all - "the gift of giving." Click here for more details

Thank you.


If you have any questions or comments about The MetroWest MS Clinic
please give us a call at 508-383-8675 or contact us by email.

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